It supports different Survival Tasks
Does not require specialized Software, can be applied across programming languages and using any algorithm that supports optimization of the Poisson Likelihood
Consider setting with right-censored data:
To approximate λ(t;xi)=exp(g(xi(t),t))PH=λ0(t)exp(x′iβ)
Consider setting with right-censored data:
To approximate λ(t;xi)=exp(g(xi(t),t))PH=λ0(t)exp(x′iβ)
Consider setting with right-censored data:
To approximate λ(t;xi)=exp(g(xi(t),t))PH=λ0(t)exp(x′iβ)
split the follow-up in J intervals (κj−1,κj],j=1,…,J
assume piece-wise constant hazards: λ(t|xi(t))≡exp(g(xij,tj)):=λij, ∀t∈(κj−1,κj],
Consider setting with right-censored data:
To approximate λ(t;xi)=exp(g(xi(t),t))PH=λ0(t)exp(x′iβ)
split the follow-up in J intervals (κj−1,κj],j=1,…,J
assume piece-wise constant hazards: λ(t|xi(t))≡exp(g(xij,tj)):=λij, ∀t∈(κj−1,κj],
→ transform to PED using κ0=0,κ1=1,κ2=1.5,κ3=3
→ transform to PED using κ0=0,κ1=1,κ2=1.5,κ3=3
→ transform to PED using κ0=0,κ1=1,κ2=1.5,κ3=3
→ transform to PED using κ0=0,κ1=1,κ2=1.5,κ3=3
→ transform to PED using κ0=0,κ1=1,κ2=1.5,κ3=3
→ transform to PED using κ0=0,κ1=1,κ2=1.5,κ3=3
General log-likelihood contribution:
Working Assumption δijiid∼Po(μij=λijtij):
Consider 3 subjects in competing risks setting with event types k∈{1,2}
Data in PED format
→ estimate λ(t|x,k)=exp(f(x(t),t,k)), k∈{1,2}
Consider 3 subjects in competing risks setting with event types k∈{1,2}
Data in PED format
→ estimate λ(t|x,k)=exp(f(x(t),t,k)), k∈{1,2}
Consider 3 subjects in competing risks setting with event types k∈{1,2}
Data in PED format
→ estimate λ(t|x,k)=exp(f(x(t),t,k)), k∈{1,2}
Time-varying effects Shared vs. cause-specific effects (in CR)
We use gradient boosted trees (GBT) as computing engine for PEMs (more specifically XGBoost (Chen and Guestrin, 2016)) and compare them to
Single Event and competing risks data sets
For each data set
Comparison with ORSF (single-event, right-censoring)
Evaluation w.r.t. Integrated Brier Score
Comparison with DeepHit (single-event and competing risks, right-censoring)
Evaluation w.r.t. weighted Brier Score
Choice of interval split points
Number and placement of interval split points could potentially be a tuning parameter
In our experience setting split points at observed event times results in good performance → many split points where many events observed
For large data sets select subset of unique event times for split points
General ML Framework for Survival Analysis (Bender, Rügamer, Scheipl, et al., 2020)
No assumptions w.r.t. distribution of event times (Poisson assumption just a computational vehicle)
Framework for continuous time survival analysis (exact time enters via offset, prediction of hazards and survival probabilities possible for any time t)
Bender, A, D. Rügamer, F. Scheipl, et al. (2020). "A General Machine Learning Framework for Survival Analysis". In: arXiv:2006.15442 [cs, stat]. arXiv: 2006.15442.
Chen, T. and C. Guestrin (2016). "XGBoost: A Scalable Tree Boosting System". In: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - KDD '16, pp. 785-794. DOI: 10.1145/2939672.2939785. arXiv: 1603.02754.
Friedman, M. (1982). "Piecewise Exponential Models for Survival Data with Covariates". In: The Annals of Statistics 10.1, pp. 101-113. ISSN: 00905364. URL:
Jaeger, B. C, D. L. Long, D. M. Long, et al. (2019). "Oblique random survival forests". In: The Annals of Applied Statistics 13.3, pp. 1847-1883. ISSN: 1932-6157, 1941-7330. DOI: 10.1214/19-AOAS1261.
Lee, C., W. R. Zame, J. Yoon, et al. (2018). "DeepHit: A Deep Learning Approach to Survival Analysis With Competing Risks". In: Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. URL:
It supports different Survival Tasks
Does not require specialized Software, can be applied across programming languages and using any algorithm that supports optimization of the Poisson Likelihood
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