class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Penalized Estimation of Cumulative Effects ### Andreas Bender, F Scheipl, W Hartl, A G Day, H Küchenhoff ### Departement of Statistics, LMU Munich ### 2017/12/17 --- # Outline <link rel="stylesheet" href="//"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha512-SfTiTlX6kk+qitfevl/7LibUOeJWlt9rbyDn92a1DqWOw9vWG2MFoays0sgObmWazO5BQPiFucnnEAjpAB+/Sw==" crossorigin="anonymous"> <br> <br> <br> .font150[ - Motivation - Exposure-Lag-Response Associations - Application ] ??? `$$\newcommand{\ra}{\rightarrow} \newcommand{\bs}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}} \newcommand{\tn}[1]{\textnormal{#1}} \newcommand{\mbf}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand{\nn}{\nonumber} \newcommand{\ub}{\underbrace} \newcommand{\tbf}[1]{\textbf{#1}} \newcommand{\E}{\mathbb{E}} \newcommand{\bfx}{\mathbf{x}} \newcommand{\bfX}{\mathbf{X}} \newcommand{\bff}{\mathbf{f}} \newcommand{\bsbeta}{\boldsymbol{\beta}} \newcommand{\bsgamma}{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} \newcommand{\bslambda}{\boldsymbol{\lambda}} \newcommand{\bfS}{\mathbf{S}} \newcommand{\bfz}{\mathbf{z}} \newcommand{\bfZ}{\mathbf{Z}} \newcommand{\te}{t_e} \newcommand{\tlag}{t_{\text{lag}}} \newcommand{\tlead}{t_{\text{lead}}} \newcommand{\tw}{\mathcal{T}_e(t)} \newcommand{\Tw}[1]{\mathcal{T}^{#1}} \newcommand{\tilt}{\tilde{t}} \newcommand{\Zi}{\mathcal{Z}_i(t)} \newcommand{\CI}{C1} \newcommand{\CII}{C2} \newcommand{\CIII}{C3} \newcommand{\gCII}{g_{_{\CII}}} \newcommand{\gCIII}{g_{_{\CIII}}} \newcommand{\gammaEst}{\hat{\gamma}_g^r} \newcommand{\hatEj}{\hat{e}_{j, r}} \newcommand{\diag}{\operatorname{diag}} \newcommand{\rpexp}{\operatorname{rpexp}} \newcommand{\Rlang}{\textbf{\textsf{R}}} \newcommand{\code}[1]{{\small \texttt{#1}}}$$` --- # Motivation - Multi-center study of critical care patients from 457 ICUs ( `\(\approx 10k\)` patients) - maximum follow up of 60 days (we only consider short term survival `\(t\leq 30\)`) - Various confounders: - Age, Gender, BMI - Diagnosis, Admission Category - year of ICU admission - Apache II Score - ICU random effect - **11-day nutrition protocol** - prescribed calories (determined at baseline `\(t=0\)`) - *daily* caloric intake - daily **caloric adequacy (CA)** = caloric intake/prescribed calories --- # Caloric Intake <img src="image/nutri-hist.jpg"> --- # Motivation - We are interested in how artificial nutrition (*exposure*) affects short term survival (*outcome*) - Difficulty: - effect of nutrition might have a temporal delay (e.g. nutrition today affects survival 4 days later) - effect of nutrition might "wear off" after some time (e.g. nutrition on day 1 likely won't affect the hazard on day 30) - the (delayed) effect of nutrition also depends on the amount of nutrition (caloric adequacy) provided, possibly non-linearly - the same amount of exposure might have a different effect depending on the follow up and exposure time - the effect may be *cumulative* (i.e., 5 days of malnutrition in a row may be worse than only 2 in a row or 5 days malnutrition scattered throughout the follow up while on the other days "correct" amount was provided) --- # Terminology We use the following terminology and notation: - **Time-to-event `\(t\)`**: Time at which event times are observed - **Time of exposure `\(\te\)`**: Time at which values of the exposure are observed (must not necessarily overlap temporally with `\(t\)`, measured in the same units or be in the same domain as `\(t\)`, e.g. calendar days ( `\(\te\)`) vs. 24h periods (days) since admission to ICU `\(t\)`) - **time-varying *effects* (TVE)**: Effects of time-constant covariates (covariates observed at the beginning of the follow-up) that can vary over time `\(t\)` - **time-dependent *covariates* (TDC)**: Covariates whose values change over time. Value changes are recorded at exposure time `\(\te\)` (here synonymous to *exposure*) - **Exposure value `\(z(\te)\)`**: The value of the TDC observed at exposure time `\(\te\)` - **Exposure history `\(\mathbf{z}\)`**: The complete history of observed values of the exposure/TDC `\(\mathbf{z}= (z(t_{e,1}), z(t_{e,2}), ..., z(t_ {e,Q}))\)` --- # Terminology **A general cumulative effect/Exposure-Lag-Response Association (ELRA)** can be defined as .font110[ `$$g(\mathbf{z}, t) = \int_{\te: \te \leq t}h(t, \te, z(\te))\mathrm{d}\te$$` ] - **Partial effects `\(h(t,\te,z(\te))\)`**: The effect of the TDC recorded at exposure time `\(\te\)` with value `\(z(\te)\)` on the hazard at follow up time `\(t\)` (the tri-variate function `\(h\)` is potentially non-linear in all three dimensions) - **Cumulative effect `\(g(\mathbf{z}, t)\)`**: The total (cumulated) effect of the partial effects on the log-hazard at time `\(t\)` given exposure history `\(\bfz\)` --- # Lag-Lead-Window The integration borders can be defined *more* general, such that `$$g(\mathbf{z}, t) = \int_{t-\tlag - \tlead}^{t-\tlag}h(t, \te, z(\te)) \mathrm{d}\te$$` - **Lag time `\(\tlag\)`**: The length of the delay until the TDC recorded at exposure time `\(\te\)` starts to affect the hazard (often `\(\tlag=0\)`) - **Lead time `\(\tlead\)`**: The duration of the effect of the TDC observed at exposure time `\(\te\)` - `\(\tlag\)` and `\(\tlead\)` define the set of exposures that contribute to the cumulative effect at time `\(t\)` as `\(\{z(\te): \te \in [t-\tlag - \tlead, t-\tlag]\}\)` - Minimal requirement: `\(\int_{\te:\te\leq t}\)` - Special case `\(\int_0^t\)` follows with `\(\tlag=0\)` and `\(\tlead=t\)` - Example ( `\(\tlag = 4\)`, `\(\tlead = 3\)`): - The last nutrition that will enter the cumulative effect at time `\(t=10\)` is nutrition at `\(\te \leq t - \tlag = 10-4=6\)`, i.e. `\(z(t_{e}=6)\)` - The earliest nutrition that will contribute to the cumulative effect at time `\(t=10\)` is nutrition at `\(\te \geq t - \tlag - \tlead = 10 - 4 - 3 = 3\)` --- # Lag-Lead-Window The integration borders can be defined *even more* general, such that .font120[ `$$g(\mathbf{z}, t) = \int_{t-\tlag(\te) - \tlead(\te)}^{t-\tlag(\te)}h(t, \te, z (\te)) \mathrm{d}\te=\int_{\tw}h(t, \te, z(\te)) \mathrm{d}\te$$` ] - `\(\tlag\)` and `\(\tlead\)` times can themselves depend on (exposure) time - `\(\tw\)` is the set of exposure times `\(\te\)` relevant to the cumulative effect at time `\(t\)` - We call `\(\tw\)` the *Lag-Lead-Window* or *Window of effectiveness* <!-- `$$\tw := \{\te: (\kappa_{j-1},\kappa_j] \in \mathcal{J}(t, \te)\}$$` with `$$\mathcal{J}(t, \te) := \{(\kappa_{j-1}, \kappa_j]: \kappa_{j-1} > \te + \tlag(\te) \wedge \kappa_{j} \leq \te + \tlag(\te) +\tlead(\te)\}$$` --> --- # Lag-Lead Window (Example) <a href="image/lagLeadWindow.jpg" align="middle"> <img class="center" height = "450" src="image/lagLeadWindow.jpg" align="middle"> </a> --- # ELRAs in the literature Some models known from the literature follow as special cases of the general specification `$$g(\mathbf{z}, t) = \int_{\mathcal{T}_e(t)}h(t, t_e, z(t_e))$$` when we assume that partial effects `\(h\)` only depend on *latency* `\(t-\te\)` instead of concrete combination of `\(t\)` and `\(\te\)`, i.e., `\(h(t=30, \te=3, z(\te))\stackrel{!}{=}h(t=40,\te=13, z(\te))\stackrel{!}{=}\tilde{h} (t-\te=27, z(\te))\)` - DLNM: Distributed Lag Non-linear Models (Gasparrini et al, [2014](, [2017]( `\(g(\mathbf{z}, t) = \int_{\mathcal{T}_e(t)}h(t - t_e, z(t_e))\)` - WCE: Weighted Cumulative Exposure ([Sylvestre and Abrahamowicz, 2009]( `\(g(\mathbf{z}, t) = \int_{\mathcal{T}_e(t)}h(t - t_e)z(t_e)\)` - Also possible within general framework: - more flexible WCE: `\(g(\mathbf{z}, t) = \int_{\mathcal{T}_e(t)}h(t, t_e)z(t_e)\)` - time-varying DLNM (TV DLNM): `\(g(\mathbf{z}, t) = \int_{\mathcal{T}_e(t)}h (t, t - t_e, z(t_e))\)` --- # Exposure-Lag-Response Association - `\(g(\bfz, t)\)` represents the cumulative, time-varying effect of exposure history `\(\bfz\)` on the log-hazard at time `\(t\)` - we define its contribution to the model's additive predictor as `\begin{align} g(\bfz_i, t) = \int_{\tw} h(\tilde t_j, \te, z_i(\te)) \mathrm{d}\te \approx \sum_{q: t_{e,q} \in \tw} \Delta_{q} h(\tilde t_j, t_{e,q}, z_i(t_{e,q})) \quad\forall\, t \in (\kappa_{j-1}, \kappa_j], \end{align}` with - `\(\tilde{t}_j:= (\kappa_j - \kappa_{j-1})/2, j=1,\ldots, J\)` - partial effects `\(h(\tilde t_j, \te, z_i(\te))\)` - quadrature weights `\(\Delta_{q} = t_{e,q} - t_{e,q-1}\)` for numerical integration are given by the time between two consecutive exposure measurements --- # Tensor product smooths Low rank representation of the tri-variate smooth function `$$h(t, \te, z(\te)) = \sum_{\ell=1}^L\sum_{r=1}^R\sum_{m=1}^M \gamma_{\ell r m}B_m(z(\te))B_r(\te)B_\ell(t)$$` with - model matrix `\(\bfX = \bfX_{t}\odot \bfX_{\te} \odot \bfX_{z(\te)}\)` and - penalty `\(S = \nu_{z(\te)}\mbf{I}_{d_{R}}\otimes\mbf{I}_{d_L}\otimes\mbf{S}_{z(\te)} + \nu_{\te}\mbf {I}_{d_L}\otimes \mbf{S}_{\te}\otimes\mbf{I}_{d_M} + \nu_{t}\mbf{S}_{t}\otimes\mbf{I}_ {d_R}\otimes\mbf{I}_{d_M}\)` `\(\ra\)` Estimate parameters `\(\bsgamma\)` by optimizing `\(D(\bsgamma) + \sum_{k}\nu_k\bsgamma'\mbf{S}_k \bsgamma\)` (Wood, 2011), where - `\(D(\bsgamma)\)` is the model deviance (of the Poisson GAMM) - `\(\bsgamma\)` contains all Spline basis coefficients and random effects - `\(\nu_k\)` and `\(S_k, k=1,\ldots,K\)` are the smoothing parameters and penalty matrices for the `\(k\)`-th smooth term, respectively --- # Exposure-Lag Response Association - If we restrict the ELRA to be linear in the exposure, i.e., `\(h(z_i(\te), \te, t) = \tilde h(\te, t)\cdot z_i(\te)\)` we can simplify to `$$g(\bfz_i, t) \approx \sum^Q_{q=1} \tilde\Delta_{i,q} \tilde h(t_{e,q}, t)$$` with `$$\tilde\Delta_{i,q} = \begin{cases} z_i(t_{e,q})\Delta_{q} & \text{ if } t_{e,q} \in \tw\\ 0 & \text{ else} \end{cases}$$` --- # Exposure-Lag Response Association - Spline bases for the bivariate functions `\(\tilde h(\te, t)\)` are set up via tensor product B-spline basis with marginal bases `\(B_{m}(\te), m=1,\dots,M\)` and `\(B_{k}(t), k=1,\dots,K\)` defined over the exposure and hazard time domains, respectively - `\(M\)` and `\(K\)` delimit the maximal complexity of the ELRA - `\(\tilde h(\te, t) = \sum_{m=1}^{M}\sum_{k=1}^{K} \gamma_{m,k}B_{m}(\te)B_{k}(t)\)` - Combining above equations yields: `\begin{align} g(\bfz_i, t) \approx \sum_{m=1}^{M}\sum_{k=1}^{K} \gamma_{m,k} \tilde B_{i, m}(\te, t) B_{k}(t), \end{align}` where `\(\tilde B_{i, m}(\te, t) = \sum^Q_{q=1} \tilde\Delta_{i, q} B_{m}(\te)\)`. --- # Simulation - DLNM - `\(\lambda(t|\bfz) = \lambda_0(t)\exp(\int h(t-\te, z(\te))\mathrm{d}\te)\)` - `\(t\in (0, 40]\)`, `\(\te \in [-40, 40]\)`, `\(z(\te)\in [0, 10]\)` <img src="image/pam_wce_dlnm_dlnm.jpg"> --- # Simulation (2) - TV DLNM `\(\lambda(t|\bfz) = \lambda_0(t)\exp(\int \tilde{h}(t, t-\te, z(\te)) \mathrm {d}\te) = \lambda_0(t)\exp(\int f(t)\cdot h (t-\te, z (\te)) \mathrm{d}\te)\)` and `\(f(t) = -\cos(\pi t/t_{\text{max}})\)` <a href="image/fit-vs-truth-ped.gif" align="middle"> <img class="center" height = "480" src="image/pam_dlnm_tvdlnm_tvdlnm_horiz.jpg" align="middle"> </a> --- # Application In the application example ([categorical nutrition](#30)), we estimate `\begin{align} \log\left(\lambda_i(t|\bfx_i, \bfz_i, \ell_i)\right) & = f_0(t) + \sum_{p=1}^P f_p(x_{i,p}, t) + g(\bfz_i, t) + b_{\ell_i} \end{align}` with - `\(f_{0}(t_j)=\sum_{m=1}^{M}\gamma_{0m}B_m(t_j)\)` represents the log baseline-hazard - `\(f(x_{i,p},t_j)=\sum_{m=1}^M\sum_{\ell=1}^{L}\gamma_{m\ell}B_m(x_{i,p})B_\ell (t_j)\)` are potentially non-linear, potentially non-linearly time-varying effects of confounders `\(x_{i,p}\)` - `\(g(\bfz_i, t) =g_{\CII}(\bfz_i^{\CII},t) + g_{\CIII}(\bfz_i^{\CIII}, t)\)` - `\(\bfz_i^{\CII}\)` and `\(\bfz_i^{\CIII}\)` dummy variables that indicate whether subject `\(i\)` received category `\(\CII\)` and `\(\CIII\)` nutrition on day `\(t_{e,q},q=1,\ldots,11\)`, respectively - `\(g_{\CII}(\bfz_i,t) \approx \sum^Q_{q=1} \tilde\Delta_{i,q}^{\CII} \tilde h_ {\CII}(t_{e,q}, t)\)` - `\(b_{\ell_i}\)` is the random effect associated with ICU (cluster) `\(\ell_i\)` at which subject `\(i\)` is treated `\(\ra \CI\)` reference category --- # PAMM - We know how the estimate such models in the framework of <br> [**G**eneralized **A**dditive **M**ixed **M**odels (**GAMM**s)]( - Fortunately, we can fit survival models via Poisson GLMs/GAMMs by representing them as a [**P**iece-wise exponential **A**dditive **M**ixed **M**odel (**PAMM**s)]( - to do so requires to - divide the follow up `\((0, t_{max}]\)` into `\(J\)` intervals with `\(J+1\)` cut-points `\(0 = \kappa_0 < \ldots < \kappa_J = t_{\max}\)` - [transform the data into appropriate format]( (pseudo observations in each interval): - interval specific event-indicators `\(\delta_{ij}\)`, where `\(\delta_{ij}=1\)` if subject `\(i\)` experienced an event in interval `\(j\)` (i.e. `\(t_i\in (\kappa_{j-1}, \kappa_j]\)` and `\(T_i < C_i\)`) and `\(\delta_{ij}=0\)` else - offsets `\(o_{ij} = \log(t_{ij})\)`, where `\(t_{ij}=min(t_i - \kappa_{j-1}, \kappa_{j}-\kappa_{j-1})\)` is the time subject `\(i\)` spent in interval `\(j\)` - in the `\(j^{th}\)` interval `\((\kappa_{j-1}, \kappa_j]\)` estimate a <a href=image/weibull-hazard-ex.jpg> piece-wise constant hazard rate </a> `\(\lambda(t) = \lambda_{j}\ \forall\ t\in (\kappa_{j-1},\kappa_j]\)` (more intervals lead to better approximation) - See [Holford 1980](, [Laird 1981](, [Friedman 1982](, [Whitehead 1982]( --- # Application (Results) <a href="image/elra_heat_estimation.jpg" align="middle"> <img class="center" height = "550" src="image/elra_heat_estimation.jpg" align="middle"> </a> --- # Application (Results) Example: - `\(\bfz = (5\times \CII, 6\times \CIII)\)` - `\(\bfz^{\CII} = (1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0)\)`, `\(\bfz^{\CIII}=(0,0,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1,1,1)\)` - `\(g(\bfz, \tilde{t}_j=18.5) = g(\bfz^{\CII},18.5) + g(\bfz^{\CIII}, 18.5)\approx -0.57\)` `\(\ra\)` Risk reduction of `\(\exp(-0.57)=0.57\)` compared to subject with `\(11\times\CI\)` nutrition (c.p) <a href="image/elra_heat_ex.jpg" align="middle"> <img class="center" height = "350" src="image/elra_heat_ex.jpg" align="middle"> </a> --- # Application (Results) These bivariate surfaces are difficult to interpret as - they must be interpreted with respect to a subject who received `\(\CI\)` nutrition on all 11 days of nutrition protocol - partial effects `\(h_{\CII}(t,\te)\)` and `\(h_{\CIII}(t,\te)\)` can both contribute to the cumulative effect, depending on the specific nutrition profile - for these reasons, we prefer to analyze and interpret estimated hazard ratios between hypothetical patients with different clinically relevant exposure histories ( `\(\bfz_1\)` and `\(\bfz_2\)`) `\begin{equation} e_j= \frac{\lambda(\tilde t_j|\bfz_2)}{\lambda(\tilde t_j|\bfz_1)} \end{equation}` --- # Application (Results) We compare the following nutrition profiles: <img class = "center" src="image/comparisons-definition.png"> --- # Application (Results) `\(\ra\)` Complete, mildly hypocaloric nutrition reduces risk of mortality compared to a complete, severely hypocaloric nutrition (Comparison B) `\(\ra\)` No further risk reduction when moving from mildly hypocaloric to partial or complete near target nutrition (Comparisons E, F) `\(\ra\)` Sensitivity analyses (Imputation of missing protocols, lag/lead specification, penalty structure, ...) show no substantive deviation from main results <a href="image/maint1.jpg"> <img class="center" src="image/maint1.jpg" width="50%"> </a> --- # Limitations (and outlook) - currently, `\(\tlag\)` and `\(\tlead\)` must be specified a priori `\(\ra\)` would be nice if the lag-lead window could be selected data-driven (e.g. Obermeier et al., 2015) - we assume that patients released from hospital survived until the end of the follow-up ( `\(t=30\)` ). Sensitivity analysis with hospital discharge as censoring event do not change the results `\(\ra\)` Competing risks model for outcomes *hospital discharge* and *death* would be preferable - Modeling and interpretation of TDCs always difficult, especially if exogeneity is unclear, e.g. - although nutrition is provided by hospital staff, amount provided might depend on patients' health status - more recent values provide better confounder adjustment but may also be fully indicative of the outcome (indication bias) - Model choice becomes difficult when all effects are potentially non-linear and/or non-linearly time-varying (boosting ad double-penalty procedures promising) --- # Links and Acknowledgments - Talk is based on two publications .font90[ - Andreas Bender, Andreas Groll, and Fabian Scheipl. 2018. “A Generalized Additive Model Approach to Time-to-Event Analysis.” Statistical Modelling. ] .font90[ - Andreas Bender, Fabian Scheipl, Wolfgang Hartl, Andrew G Day, Helmut Küchenhoff; "Penalized estimation of complex, non-linear exposure-lag-response associations", Biostatistics, , kxy003, ] - [**pammtools**:]( Package for Piece-wise exponential Additive Mixed Models (in development)[![DOI](]( - Slides created via [Yihui Xie]('s R package [**xaringan**]( with (modified) [Metropolis theme]( - All graphics have been created using Hadley Whickham's [ggplot2]( - Models are estimated using Simon Wood's [mgcv]( - Web: []( - Social: <a href="" target="orcid.widget" rel="noopener noreferrer" style="vertical-align:top;"><img src="" style="width:1em;margin-right:.5em;" alt="ORCID iD icon"></a> <a itemprop="sameAs" href =""><span class="fa fa-github fa-lg fa-fw"></span> </a> <a itemprop="sameAs" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank"> <i class="ai ai-researchgate big-icon"></i> </a> <a itemprop="sameAs" href="//" target="_blank"> <i class="fa fa-twitter big-icon"></i> </a> --- # References - Friedman, Michael. “Piecewise Exponential Models for Survival Data with Covariates.” The Annals of Statistics 10, no. 1 (1982): 101–113. - Gasparrini, Antonio. “Modeling Exposure–lag–response Associations with Distributed Lag Non-Linear Models.” Statistics in Medicine 33, no. 5 (February 28, 2014): 881–99. - Gasparrini, Antonio, Fabian Scheipl, Ben Armstrong, and Michael G. Kenward. “A Penalized Framework for Distributed Lag Non-Linear Models.” Biometrics, January 1, 2017. - Holford, Theodore R. “The Analysis of Rates and of Survivorship Using Log-Linear Models.” Biometrics 36, no. 2 (1980): 299–305. - Laird, Nan, and Donald Olivier. “Covariance Analysis of Censored Survival Data Using Log-Linear Analysis Techniques.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 76, no. 374 (1981): 231–240. - Marra, Giampiero, and Simon N. Wood. “Coverage Properties of Confidence Intervals for Generalized Additive Model Components.” Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 39, no. 1 (March 1, 2012): 53–74. - Sylvestre, Marie-Pierre, and Michal Abrahamowicz. “Flexible Modeling of the Cumulative Effects of Time-Dependent Exposures on the Hazard.” Statistics in Medicine 28, no. 27 (2009): 3437–3453. --- # References - Whitehead, John. “Fitting Cox’s Regression Model to Survival Data Using GLIM.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics) 29, no. 3 (1980): 268–75. - Wood, Simon N. Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R. Boca Raton and FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006. - Wood, Simon N. “Low-Rank Scale-Invariant Tensor Product Smooths for Generalized Additive Mixed Models.” Biometrics 62, no. 4 (December 1, 2006): 1025–36. - Wood, Simon N. “Fast Stable Restricted Maximum Likelihood and Marginal Likelihood Estimation of Semiparametric Generalized Linear Models.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 73, no. 1 (2011): 3–36. - Wood, Simon N. “On P-Values for Smooth Components of an Extended Generalized Additive Model.” Biometrika 100, no. 1 (March 1, 2013): 221–28. - Wood, Simon N., Fabian Scheipl, and Julian J. Faraway. “Straightforward Intermediate Rank Tensor Product Smoothing in Mixed Models.” Statistics and Computing, 2012. --- # References - Wickham, Hadley. Ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. 2nd ed. 2016. New York, NY: Springer, 2016. - Yihui Xie (2017). xaringan: Presentation Ninja. R package version 0.4.4. - Hadley Wickham, Romain Francois, Lionel Henry and Kirill Müller (2017). dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation. R package version 0.7.4. --- # Caloric Adequacy - **caloric intake** = calories from EN + PN + PF - **caloric adequacy (CA)**:<br> `\(CA (\%) = \text{caloric intake} / \text{prescribed calories} \cdot 100\)` - **discretized caloric adequacy (in 3 categories)**: - `\(\CI\)`: `\(0\% \leq CA < 30\%\)` and no OI - `\(\CII\)`: - `\(30\% \leq CA < 70\%\)` and no OI *or* - `\(0\% \leq CA < 30\%\)` and additional OI - `\(\CIII\)`: - `\(CA \geq 70\%\)` *or* - `\(30\% \leq CA < 70\%\)` and additional OI