survival analysis

New release: pammtools v0.5.4

New release. Support for left-truncation, recurrent events and competing risks.

A General Machine Learning Framework for Survival Analysis

ECML PKDD 2020: In this work, we present a very general machine learning framework for time-to-event analysis that uses a data augmentation strategy to reduce complex survival tasks to standard Poisson regression tasks.

pammtools: Survival Analysis using Generalized Additive Mixed Models

R Medicine 2020: The pammtools package for Survival Analysis using Generalized Additive Mixed Models is introduced

Piece-wise exponential (Additive Mixed) Modelling Tools for Survival Analysis

ISCB41: The concept of Piece-wise exponential Addtive Mixed Modeling is introduced and its application illustrated using R package pammtools.

New preprint: "mlr3proba: Machine Learning Survival Analysis in R"

mlr3proba: Machine Learning Survival Analysis in R

New paper: "A General Machine Learnig Framework for Survival Analysis"

New paper accepted at ECML PKDD 2020. The paper describes a general machine learning framework for survival analysis.


An R package for probabilistic predictions, including survival analysis.


An R package for Survival Analysis using Generalized Additive Mixed Models

Penalized estimation of complex, non-linear exposure-lag-response associations

We propose a novel approach for the flexible modeling of complex exposure-lag-response associations in time-to-event data, where multiple past exposures within a defined time window are cumulatively associated with the hazard. Our method allows for …

Penalized Estimation of Cumulative Effects

On the use of piece-wise exponential additive mixed models for the estimation of cumulative effects in survival analysis.