All Talks & Workshops


A General Machine Learning Framework for Survival Analysis

ECML PKDD 2020: In this work, we present a very general machine learning framework for time-to-event analysis that uses a data augmentation strategy to reduce complex survival tasks to standard Poisson regression tasks.

pammtools: Survival Analysis using Generalized Additive Mixed Models

R Medicine 2020: The pammtools package for Survival Analysis using Generalized Additive Mixed Models is introduced

Piece-wise exponential (Additive Mixed) Modelling Tools for Survival Analysis

ISCB41: The concept of Piece-wise exponential Addtive Mixed Modeling is introduced and its application illustrated using R package pammtools.


Mapping Trypanasoma cruzi Infection Prevalence

Chagas is one of the neglected tropical diseases (NTD) in South America. In this talk for the NTD Consortium we presented ongoing work …


Penalized Estimation of Cumulative Effects

On the use of piece-wise exponential additive mixed models for the estimation of cumulative effects in survival analysis.

Coalition Analysis (KOALA) 2017

Estimating coalition probabilities from survey data.